With customer service that is second to none and with term and permanent life insurance products that automatically include critical and chronic illness living benefits (in most States), Columbus Life is one of those “hidden gems” in the life insurance industry that most agents, brokers or websites are not quoting.
Owned by Western & Southern Financial Group and with some of the best financial ratings in the industry, Columbus Life is a cutting edge insurance company with innovative products that could be the best value insurance company for you.
Best life insurance with living benefits
If you want life insurance with critical and chronic illness living benefits, Columbus Life should always be a consideration.
They offer their living benefits on all products, term life, indexed universal life, guaranteed universal life or survivorship universal life policy
They have very competitive rates and are the only insurer that does not charge an extra premium and offers a defined benefit for critical and chronic illnesses.
No other insurance companies currently offer a defined benefit for critical or chronic illnesses on their life insurance without charging extra.
What this means is that Columbus Life will pay you a defined amount of money from your life insurance death benefit amount if you have a heart attack, angioplasty, bypass surgery, stroke, life threatening cancer, end stage kidney failure or major organ transplant.
OR if you cannot do 2 of the 6 activities of daily living (ADL’s) without assistance. ADL’s include eating, bathing, continence, dressing, toileting or transferring.
When Is Columbus Life Competitive
While not really what we consider a “high risk” insurance company, for people with minor health issues, like some well-controlled type 2 diabetics or some mild coronary artery disease cases that only required 1 stent, Columbus Life has made some great offers on some of these and some others with mild impairments.
Columbus Life is one of the few carriers that will offer a Preferred rate to anyone with family history of 1 parent or sibling death from heart disease prior to age 60.
Columbus Life does happen to have one of the best Guaranteed Universal Life rates available for which you can get guaranteed coverage to your age 90, 95 or for your entire lifetime.
They do offer a “table shave” or rate reduction on this GUL and all permanent products for some people with health issues. So if you’re rated up to a Table C, they may automatically reduce your rate to a Standard rate classification.
If you want a survivorship universal life insurance policy, especially in a 1 pay scenario, Columbus Life's Legacy G Survivorship Universal Life policy can rarely be beat in price for people in average or better health!
Columbus Life pros and cons
(+) Columbus Life underwriters are easy to talk to and have made underwriting exceptions for us on our cases. Having underwriters who understand that some people with minor issues deserve exceptions is great for consumers like you and important to know!
(+) All of Columbus Life term policies are convertible (or automatically extendable) to any of their permanent products for the entire level term period up to a max of age 70...and even after you convert, the permanent policy will still include the chronic and critical illness living benefits.
(+) If you're around age 70 and have some minor health issues, a Columbus Life policy with guaranteed level rate to age 90 may be less expensive and a better value for you than most insurance companies term rates.
(+) Good for family history of heart disease prior to age 60
(+) They approve a lot of cases without requiring medical records
(-) Columbus Life won’t offer their critical and chronic illness “living benefits” to anyone that is rated higher than a Table 3 rating...
(-) Term rate are currently higher than most term carriers, even the others that offer living benefits.
(-) If you’re a juvenile onset type 1 diabetic or if you’ve had a heart attack prior to age 50 or that required more than one stent or bypass surgery and you want critical and chronic illness benefits, Columbus Life may not be best for you.
Bottom Line -Columbus Life Review
Columbus Life is a quality, financially strong carrier with great underwriters and staff.
Request a quote using button above and we will also review other living benefits insurance company’s rates available to you, like AGLA, American National, Ameritas, John Hancock, National Life, North American Company for Life & Health, Transamerica, Life of Southwest, United of Omaha, Symetra, Penn Mutual and others.
In addition to sending you Columbus Life quotes, we'll also send you the absolute lowest rate available with and without living benefits if there is a cost savings to you.
We understand that cost is an issue for many people, so if the lowest rate possible is what you ultimately want, we can provide you with the lowest rate in the country.
Call or text us at 800-380-3533, Click Here to email us or just click on the secure button/link above if you’d like an accurate quote.
Rates and products can change at anytime, so we always research rates from many companies on EVERY case!